Thursday, March 26, 2015


Gondola ride in Venice: It is a 1000 year old tradition, and is one of the most renowned Venetian traditions. Like most visitors to the islands, we took the obligatory gondola ride. The weather was perfect for the ride; no rain, the sun was up and the wind was mild.

We met up with our gondolier or operator, paid our fee for the 45 minutes ride through several canals in the city. Our operator pointed out some landmarks in the city, including some churches that are 500 to 600 years old; the home of Marco Polo; the house of Giacomo Casanova, etc. The children enjoyed the ride. Partly because of the time of the year, the canal did not smell too badly. No one fell into the water! Whew!!

The ride through the Grand Canal. The Rialto, the center of ancient Venetian commerce, in the background. Now home to the fish market and other merchants

The "bridge of sighs" - connecting the the Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) to the prison, so named as the last view prisoners had of Venice before going to prison.

Towards the end of the ride by the Palazzo Ducale and the bridge of sighs.

At the end of the gondola ride:

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